Jersey Hospice Care plants meadow of bright ceramic flowers by Johnson Tiles
Our Prismatics tile in yellow recently inspired an uplifting field of colourful ceramic flowers for Jersey Hospice Care.

As part of its campaign ‘Planted with Love to Remember a Loved One’, Jersey Hospice Care commissioned our expert team to produce a bespoke ceramic flower for families of its patients.
The charity provides a free service to anyone in the area that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Its services include providing an in-patient unit with twelve suites, a day hospice, physiotherapy, a bereavement service, lymphedema service and a specialist palliative care team.
The cost of running the service is £5.3m per year and funds are raised through donations, legacies, third party events and fundraising, as well as through Jersey Hospice Care's own initiatives.
Of this particular scheme, trustee chairman of Jersey Hospice Care Fundraising, Steven Hunt, said: "I was struck by the Tower of London Poppy appeal and immediately set out to see if we could replicate a similar fundraising project for Jersey Hospice Care without risk to the charity.
“I was fortunate to find a local willing underwriter who enabled me to look into sourcing a supplier of a ceramic flower that we could sell to people and return to them after exhibiting at Jersey Hospice Care. Johnson Tiles created several sample ceramic flowers in different colours and we have chosen a yellow flower with a white centre and a stainless steel stem.”
The campaign will run until October 2017 when a remembrance service will be held. All those that have bought a flower will be invited to plant them in the hospice flowerbeds.
We are once again honoured to have been involved in such an emotional and significant project. For more information, visit
Image courtesy of Jersey Hospice Care