Design Team: Announcing the winner of our Staffordshire University brief
Following a tough judging process, our Design Team has selected the winners of its recent brief to students at Staffordshire University.

Highly commended: Victoria Glover
Amy and Maria felt Victoria's range showed a clear focus from start to finish. With great initial photography and gorgeous mark making, she achieved a stunning tile collection with very relevant, on-trend colours.
Follow @_victoria_glover_

Third place: Georgia Webster
Our designers believed Georgia’s approach to the brief was highly commendable, seeing her create highly professional boards throughout, with clear links to her final range.
The use of colour was very strong and on-trend with current forecasting, which suited her geometric designs ideally.
Inspired by various patterns found on iron gates and buildings from her hometown, Georgia also showed versatile skills through exploring CAD work – illustrating a graphical approach. She created various textures through mixed media, providing a more hands-on, tactile finish.
Follow @gw_surfacepatterndesign

In previous years, we’ve created tiles from our top three winners. But due to the impressive standard of work in response to our latest brief, we will also this year invite Victoria to see her range come to life in our development lab. Stay tuned to the blog and social media channels for more updates on our winners.

Second place: Esme Henshall
Esme’s theme was taken from her home cottage, exploring wood patterns that fitted the ‘Home' brief perfectly.
Amy and Maria loved the exciting development of her final designs; exploring mixed media with wood mark making, layered with coffee and wax crayons.
Esme also used CAD where further exploration was carried out to achieve an eye-catching and tactile collection.
Follow @esme.designs

Participants from the Surface Pattern Design course presented their creative ideas for a range of tiles encapsulating the concept of ‘Home’. Providing a versatile and commercially viable selection, our designers Amy Pears and Maria Swain now announce and congratulate the winners.
Winner: Martha Crimmins-Impey
Amy and Maria felt that Martha answered the brief superbly, creating a fresh and exciting tile collection.
Linking her past family visits to the Lake District, where she photographed stone-washed wall patterns for her starting point; she focused on the current trend of using terrazzo. Adding her own twist, she created a highly contemporary, geometric range, with an on-trend colour palette.
Martha will receive a one-week work placement at Johnson Tiles, where she will explore various processes and techniques with our Design Team.
Follow @martha__designs